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There are a number of options for those wishing to have their spectacle prescription put into their cycling glasses/sunglasses.

The advantages of this are many:

  • It can enhance and improve your riding experience and if you’re competitive; may just give you an edge.
  • Lenses that wrap around your face provide essential protection. Protection from elements such as wind, rain and sunlight but also insects and debris. A wrap lens also helps minimise glare and reflected light from surfaces and even from the back surface of your lenses. Until recently, the issue was always that some wrap lenses were too curved to incorporate your prescription. Technological advancement now allow direct fit of lenses so your prescription is actually in the wrap lens and there is no need for an additional optical adaptor to be fitted behind the wrap lens. This reduces weight; means there is not another surface to worry about and has less consequence on peripheral awareness.

Traditionally, polycarbonate lenses have been used to incorporate your prescription because of its high impact resistance but we now have better optical quality (Abbe value), hi-index, high impact resistant resin lenses available. These can be mirror coated to block light and improve contrast as well as multi-coated to eliminate reflection and improve definition. The tint options are endless. Clear or orange lenses for overcast days to full tints for sunny days, all still providing full UV protection.  Lenses can be polarised but remember that polarisation while eliminating glare effects will mean you won’t be able to see your cycling computer LCD screen.

Lenses can be made in single-vision (distance prescription only), bifocal and progressive/multifocal designs for those requiring distance and near assistance. Important if you are presbyopic (age related loss of focus at near). Acknowledgement of an appropriate lens design to take in to account your cycling posture and the likely terrain you will be riding through is extremely important.

We at Vision-X, will advise and help you through the many choices to ensure the best result.

With optical technology continuing to evolve, the good news is that your prescription performance eyewear can be as up to date as your bike and the rest of your cycling gear.