Southern Cross Health Society Easy-claim (“Easy-claim”) is a convenient way for Southern Cross members to claim for eligible healthcare services at the time of purchase, without completing a claim form...And is now available at Vision-X!
How to use Easy-claim:
Simply present your Member card at the counter when you are purchasing eligible healthcare products and services at Vision-X. If your plan covers the product or service and it qualifies, Southern Cross will reimburse us directly. All you need to do is pay us (Vision-X) any contribution you are responsible for so you don’t have to worry about filling out claim forms or waiting for refunds!*
* Southern Cross terms and Conditions: Your Member card is an accepted means of identification to electronically claim for qualifying healthcare products and services at selected health service providers. When you claim electronically for eligible healthcare services for yourself (or anyone else named on the policy) Southern Cross Medical Care Society deems this to be a claim under your policy, and you authorise Southern Cross Medical Care Society to process the claim in accordance with your policy coverage (or the policy coverage for the other person named on the policy) and pay the selected health service provider direct. The policyholder will receive all communications from Southern Cross Medical Care Society in relation to each electronic claim. At any time, you may advise Southern Cross Medical Care Society that you do not wish to electronically claim.